Can Evictions Affect Property Values?

Evictions are unfortunate yet common in the rental property market. Various reasons can lead to them, including non-payment of rent, lease violations, or property damage. However, they don’t take place right away. For many landlords, they’re a last resort after other failed attempts to resolve issues. 

Evictions affect more than just the tenants who are being removed from their homes. The ripple effects of these actions extend to real estate owners and the broader community. In particular, property values, among others, can be influenced by the rate and handling of evictions in a given area. 

This article will focus on how evictions can affect property values. Read on to learn more. 

Impact on Neighborhood Stability

Frequent evictions in a neighborhood can lead to a high turnover rate among residents. This refers to the percentage of residents who move out of a housing facility or community and are replaced by new residents within a specific period, typically measured annually.

Studies show that the constant movement due to a high turnover rate can disrupt the sense of community and stability many homebuyers and renters seek. When neighbors continuously change, building lasting relationships and a strong community network is challenging.

The lack of stability can deter potential buyers, especially families looking for a long-term home. They might perceive the area as transient and less desirable, which can drive down property values. Additionally, stable neighborhoods often have lower crime rates and better upkeep, which are two main factors that significantly contribute to higher property values.

Effect on Property Maintenance

Evictions can lead to neglected property maintenance, impacting not only the evicted property but also surrounding homes. Tenants facing eviction may not have the incentive or resources to maintain the property. In some cases, they might even cause intentional damage out of frustration or retaliation.

To manage the financial strain caused by eviction, some tenants might seek a loan for eviction to cover their expenses and secure new housing. While this can help tenants avoid immediate homelessness, the instability and stress associated with eviction can still result in neglected property maintenance. 

The uncertainty of their living situation can cause tenants to prioritize finding new housing over maintaining their current one. Additionally, the emotional stress of eviction can lead to decreased motivation to care for the property, resulting in further neglect.

Neglect doesn’t just manifest in visible damage. Issues like pests, structural problems, and unkempt yards can arise, contributing to a negative perception of the area. This decline in perceived value can have a lasting impact, even after the property is repaired and reoccupied.

Perception of Crime and Safety

Evidence showed that areas with high eviction rates can often be perceived as less safe, even if the actual crime rates aren’t significantly higher. This perception can be enough to deter potential buyers and investors. Safety is a primary concern for most homebuyers, and any indication that an area might be unsafe can reduce interest and, consequently, property values.

When a neighborhood is known for frequent evictions, it might suggest underlying issues such as economic instability or inadequate tenant screening. Regardless of the reality, these factors can contribute to a reputation for higher crime rates. The stigma associated with this perception can be challenging to overcome and lead to a long-term decline in property values.

Market Supply and Demand

Evictions can also affect the market supply and demand dynamics. When multiple properties are vacated due to evictions, it can lead to an oversupply of available homes. This surplus can drive down property prices as owners compete to attract new tenants or buyers.

On the rental side, increased available properties can lead to lower rental rates. Lower rents can reduce the overall perceived value of the area, further influencing property values negatively. Property owners may find themselves in a position where they need to lower prices to remain competitive, which can be a challenging cycle to break.

Moreover, areas with high eviction rates might see reduced demand from potential buyers who are wary of the neighborhood’s economic and social conditions. This reduced demand can stagnate or decrease property values over time.

Investor Confidence

Investor confidence refers to the degree of trust and optimism investors have in the financial markets, which influences their willingness to invest and engage in market activities. This is crucial for the health and growth of real estate markets. 

High eviction rates can erode this confidence, leading to reduced investment in affected areas. Investors may perceive neighborhoods with frequent evictions as risky, opting to place their money in more stable regions.

Even worse, reduced investment can slow down economic growth and development in the area. Less funding for improvements, renovations, and new projects can lead to stagnation, which can negatively affect property values. The community might also miss out on benefits that come from investment, such as improved infrastructure and amenities.

For real estate owners, this can mean a slower appreciation of property values and more difficulty selling their properties at desired prices. Long-term, this lack of confidence can result in a self-fulfilling prophecy, where perceived risk leads to actual decline.

Final Thoughts 

Evictions don’t only affect tenants but also real estate owners. They can lead to neighborhood instability, neglected property maintenance, a perception of increased crime and reduced safety, oversupply in the market, and decreased investor confidence. If you have more questions about how evictions might impact property values, speaking to professionals is always recommended.